What do you feel about this world?

Before we get started the lecture of Fractal Psychology, let us see your present standing points (What you are thinking now). Answer the questions below.

[Pre-lecture worksheet]

1. List the negative events that you believe were not caused by your thoughts. Did you experience these events personally? If not, from whom did you learn of these events?

2. How well do you know yourself? What is the percentage? Do you usually think that you know yourself best?

3. List the positive events that you don’t believe you are responsible for in your life? List, if any, the things that you consider the acts of god and spirits, miracles or the blessings of god in your life.

4. What would be the benefits, if any, if you became insolvent and poor?

5.Imagine your phone rings at midnight. Before answering it, what comes to your mind: Is it from your parents or a friend? Could it be work-related? A prank call? Write down what you think it is for and from whom.

6. Which one of these two cases do you think is more aggressive?

a: A daughter who talks back at her father and looks down on him every day.
b: A father who hits his daughter once a year.

7. By whose will is it that you were born? Parents’/God’s/Self’s

8. When you say, “My mother did (or didn’t)…all the time,” how often did the event actually occur? Write down only the details that you clearly remember.

“My mother never listened to me.” → How many scenes do you actually
remember of this occurrence in your memories?
My mother always________________________.
How many scenes?___________

Did you answer all the questions?  This is your starting point. Let’s begin the lecture!

By Mau Isshiki

Author: guideofmonism

I am an instructor of Fractal Psychology®. This theory was born in Japan. I will share it with you worldwide in English. If you like, please send me some feedback. I really appreciate it.

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