Thinking and Taking Action Are Same Thing..But Why?

Chapter 6: Thinking and Taking Action Are Same Thing

Since the surface conscious cannot perceive your deep thoughts, it is necessary to use strong, exaggerated words in order to perceive them. For example, in denying somebody and saying, “That person acts wrong,” you need to exaggerate and say instead, “I want to kill that person.”

[Negation/denial (Criticism, Bulling, Attack, etc.) —-> Killing/Murder (Death)]

The exaggeration probably seems too much to you. You may say, “Criticism and murder are completely two different things. I’ve never thought of killing that person.” But this creates a barrier in your mind and prevents you from looking deeper into your mind. When you start to conceal your wicked thoughts because you don’t want to see them, you lose the ability to perceive your true self.
What comes next is that you feel there are external forces such as destiny or fate that control and manipulate your life. Expressing fleeting, almost imperceptible thoughts in strong, exaggerated language helps you to find your honest and true mind.

You remember the example of the young man who lost his mother, in Chapter 4, “Results are purposes.” He may never have wished for her death. However, he must have felt a kind of negation, “I don’t need a mom like her anymore.” “The denial” equates “No need.” Once this thought accumulated enough, it may have lead to the actual death of the person.

Thinking about something equates to taking an action upon it. Denying somebody in mind, even if it is not expressed explicitly, is just as same as saying it aloud. This produces a negative reality. An example is a businessman Mr. A, who is secretly criticizing his boss in his mind every day. His co-worker, Mr. B, brought his own criticism directly to their boss. Still, Mr. A gets bitter treatment from the boss rather than Mr. B, even though Mr. A said nothing and Mr. B was the one who expressed his discontent. Why did this happen when Mr. A was not expressing anything openly?

Here is another example. A boy would steal $10 from his mom’s purse once a month and his older sister would take out a dollar every day. She did not get caught as she only stole $1 at a time. However, the boy did get caught and scolded by his mother because of the larger amount. Who stole more money in this example? You will never know the truth as long as you compare the amounts for only one day. The sister stole more and repaid nothing for it, while the brother had to repay by being reprimanded. She will need to pay back later in a much larger form, which means something much larger or more serious will happen to her to make her pay for her actions.

What matters here is the quantity of thought, not the amount of actions taken. Thoughts create reality, remember? Since one cannot measure the amount of thoughts, which are invisible, he ends up feeling unfairly treated in emerged reality. The truth is, it all depends on how many thoughts he accumulates in his mind.

We all have arbitrary criterion of punishment. It would be simply subjective to dismiss your wicked thoughts, saying, “Oh, this little thought won’t do anything negative. It is so small.” You must not ignore your thinking patterns and your amount of thoughts. You need to start doubting your belief that you do not have negative thoughts, and examine the amount of small negative thoughts you have accumulated.


In Los Angeles, 2014

Why do people try to become poor?

Chapter 5:

1 % of Thoughts in Surface Conscious might be Enormous in Deep Conscious.

The deep conscious is enormous in quantity. It has different layers of depth. Many people think that one could reach the deepest part of the subconscious by meditation or hypnosis. Yet, the level of the depth touched by meditation is not as deep as the level that can be detected by Fractal psychological methods. When you go into your deep conscious with the guidance of your surface conscious, you will be limited by your surface conscious.

Let’s say that your whole consciousness is an ocean. Meditation and hypnosis is like diving without any gear, so one cannot go too deep (You can go until the level 1 of the deep conscious in the Illustration 2). In order to detect the deeper deep conscious, the analysis of your current reality is a quicker and precise way, because the reality is results of your compounded thoughts. The deepest part of your deep conscious has appeared as your surroundings (at the level of the deep conscious 3 of the Illustration 2).

You may hardly feel the thoughts in your deep conscious with your current surface conscious. However, as you have already learned, the fact that you hardly feel them doesn’t mean that those thoughts don’t exist. In the above ocean analogy, when you find one deep sea fish on the surface, there might be a whole bunch of them in the deep sea.

It is usually the case that when you are frustrated in life, your present reality does not match with your current conscious thoughts. When your thoughts in the surface conscious match with your thoughts in the deep conscious, you feel things are going well and you do not perceive any problems. Your current situation is taken for granted and you don’t think of it. But if, one is in debt despite his wish to make lots of money, for example, that would make him wonder why this has happened and take this situation as problematic.

In this case, if he takes a look into his deep mind, he might find less than one percent of negative thoughts, that nobody acknowledges him despite of all his efforts. If there is one percent of those negative thoughts in the surface conscious, then there exists much more of the same in the level of the deep conscious. The resented self may actually want to receive acknowledgement, attention, and empathy for his efforts rather than making money. Usually, wealthy people do not receive much thoughtfulness or empathy from others.

So, he was unaware of creating his week points, by saying “ In spite of all my efforts, it’s still hard to overcome lots of troubles, I’m not sure I could handle them..,” in order to get thoughtfulness and sympathy from others. That is not straight desire to make debt, but this thought may lead to the actual situation of being in debt.

Therefore, you need to admit that you, knowingly or unknowingly, actually wished for the opposite at the level of the deep conscious if your present conscious reality is different from that.

Whatever your reality may be, it is a manifestation of your thoughts. However, people tend to conceal this fact. In the above example, he hides his desire for sympathy or attention and cannot admit that it was actually the purpose of getting in debt. As he experiences the discrepancy between thoughts and reality, it seems to him that there are exceptions to the rule that thoughts create reality.


The instructors of my school in Japan.↑

Thoughts create reality, 100%!

(Continued from chapter 3)
When you fail to acknowledge the law of your thoughts creating your reality, you start to put blame on everything and everybody around you, starting with your parents and siblings, then, blaming your boss, coworkers and other people. By blaming others and relinquishing your own responsibilities, you start feeling that other people and external circumstances control you. Your consciousness fixates on the externals and not on the internals (self). This creates a world where you feel things are beyond your control and such things as destiny and fate exist. It is quite difficult to believe that your gender, your physical body and your birth family are the results of your choices and thoughts. After all, those feelings all stem from the misinterpretation that only the tiniest portion of consciousness is recognized as the entire self.

[Illustration 2]

Surface consciousis currently experiencing                                                                                                                          ↓                                         ↓ Reality (created by Deep conscious)


↑ Deep conscious

1: Level of psychology (used to be surface conscious)
2: Level of genes
3: Level of monism



Chapter 3: Blame Stems From Oblivion

When you feel there is a problem in life, you cannot accept your reality. It is when the surface conscious fails to acknowledge the deep conscious. You cannot recognize that your thoughts have created your entire reality.

Nonetheless, your reality, everything that exists in your world, is a complete reflection of your thoughts. Everything is your creation with no exception. There are few people, if any, who fully understand and accept this law. Many feel that this is applicable to certain things but not to every single event, and will start to doubt that law.

This feeling of doubt indeed comes from the fact that you recognize only five percent of your conscious as your entire self. It is just as if you believe that you know the entire iceberg by looking at only its top. Parts of the deep conscious were formerly the surface conscious. Just like the stratum, thoughts get piled up on each other and the surface conscious is pushed down to become the deep conscious. It can be said that the surface conscious is relatively new consciousness and the deep conscious is relatively old. The old consciousness has amounted to a larger quantity and it works on an autopilot mode. People forget in time about the existence of the old, piled up thoughts.

It takes time for thoughts to manifest themselves in reality. Therefore, the current reality is created from the accumulated old thoughts in the domain of the deep conscious that has been long forgotten. This oblivion brings us suffering and affliction. It also makes us to feel there are such things as miracles, mysteries, and acts of god, as we forget that our thoughts have created our realities and we lose control of our lives.

What do you feel about this world?

Before we get started the lecture of Fractal Psychology, let us see your present standing points (What you are thinking now). Answer the questions below.

[Pre-lecture worksheet]

1. List the negative events that you believe were not caused by your thoughts. Did you experience these events personally? If not, from whom did you learn of these events?

2. How well do you know yourself? What is the percentage? Do you usually think that you know yourself best?

3. List the positive events that you don’t believe you are responsible for in your life? List, if any, the things that you consider the acts of god and spirits, miracles or the blessings of god in your life.

4. What would be the benefits, if any, if you became insolvent and poor?

5.Imagine your phone rings at midnight. Before answering it, what comes to your mind: Is it from your parents or a friend? Could it be work-related? A prank call? Write down what you think it is for and from whom.

6. Which one of these two cases do you think is more aggressive?

a: A daughter who talks back at her father and looks down on him every day.
b: A father who hits his daughter once a year.

7. By whose will is it that you were born? Parents’/God’s/Self’s

8. When you say, “My mother did (or didn’t)…all the time,” how often did the event actually occur? Write down only the details that you clearly remember.

“My mother never listened to me.” → How many scenes do you actually
remember of this occurrence in your memories?
My mother always________________________.
How many scenes?___________

Did you answer all the questions?  This is your starting point. Let’s begin the lecture!

By Mau Isshiki

Monism in Your Life

We’ll share with you Fractal psychology based on monism.

Fractal Psychology Master Course
Fractal Psychology is based on monism. This main program; “Fractal Psychology Master Course” consists of six parts and it takes 19 days if you attend real classes. However, you don’t need to come to the classrooms, and you can learn it at your home by learning on this blogs.

Introductory Class: “Thoughts Create Reality”



Welcome to the Introductory Level of the Fractal Psychology Master Course. I sincerely congratulate you as you stand at the door to the truth of life, ready to embark on this life-changing journey.
“Thoughts create reality, one hundred percent, without exceptions.”

This is the truth of life. This world is made from what you think without any exceptions. It is your thoughts that have created your world.You’ll learn to see your thoughts  and their patterns in the Fractal Psychology Master Course from the Introductory to the Intermediate Levels. It is very important to know this because your thoughts and thinking patterns determine your world.
Life is not “suffering”. There is no destiny and no karma in life. Your thoughts are what shapes your life.Why, then, haven’t you noticed this yet? It is because your consciousness fails to capture the deepest part of the mind. What will happen if you acquire the ability to perceive it? It will be as if you had in your hand a map of your life.
This program will allow you to see the mechanism of how life unfolds. You’ll be able to understand the meaning of your life’s events. You’ll be able to lead a fulfilling life, with meaning and purpose. This is exactly the aim of the program, up to the intermediate level.
In the first three levels of the program, you’ll learn thoroughly how your thoughts manifest in your reality.

Fractal Psychology is based on the premise that the world is made of fractal structures created by your thoughts. Some of you may know that you are the creators of your own lives. Are you, really? It is usually the case that you are not able to apply it fully in reality. Why not, then?
It is because people fail to understand this rule in a true sense. Many people entertain the idea of positive thinking and do not apply the method to their own situations. Sometimes it is difficult to believe this law, that thoughts create reality one hundred percent, and you find yourself wanting to refute it. There are circumstances that do not seem to fit the bill, such as accidents, disasters, diseases, congenital disabilities or unfortunate environments.

If you treat these as exceptions to the rule, you will feel that things like destiny, fate or unrealized wishes exist. You will say, “How can I be responsible for all this?”
If you make an exception, the law does not stand as such, and you cannot use it.

It may be scary to know that you create everything in your life, whatever it may be. However, it is the purpose of this program to enjoy exploring and learning the rule.

The experiences of others are perceived and defined by an observer that is you. The observer is the one that gives meaning to them: “She is happy,“ or “ He is unlucky.” In other words, you define and determine fortunes and misfortunes of the world. Nothing is more important than to examine your thinking first.

We will start by investigating what you are thinking and knowing the patterns of your
thoughts. You will start noticing that things go well in your life once you liberate your mind and thoughts. You CAN create the life you wish to create.
Let us begin the journey!

By Mau Isshiki
